No 1 (13): 2.

History and archeology


Scientific article

UDK 930


Andrey R. Nyrkov
Petrozavodsk state university
(Petrozavodsk, Lenin ave. 33),

Evolution of legislation of the Republic of Karelia on civil service at the turn of XX-XXI centuries

Scientific adviser:
Savitsky Ivan Vladimirovich
Paper submitted on: 01/25/2019;
Accepted on: 03/06/2019;
Abstract. The article analyzes the evolution of the concepts of public civil service in the regional Karelian legislation: «public service», «state post», «civil servant», «experience of public service». The author came to the conclusion that in 1997 – 2005 these terms were corrected: the concept of "public service" sought to separate the regional service from the Federal, and "state post" was adjusted in the direction of the execution of the powers of the state body of the Republic of Karelia. Calculation of length of service since 1998 was conducted on new, it allowed to reduce budgetary funds. The article can be useful in studying the history of public administration in Karelia and the history of public service in Russia.
Keywords: Republic of Karelia, civil service, state post, civil servant, civil service experience

For citation: Nyrkov, A. R. Evolution of legislation of the Republic of Karelia on civil service at the turn of XX-XXI centuries. StudArctic forum. 2019, 1 (13): 2.


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