No 3 (11): 4.



Scientific article


Andrey A. Golovach
(Petrozavodsk, st. Lomonosova, 63, 526),

The importance of a political party for civil society in the Russian Federation

Sergey Chernov
Paper submitted on: 01/03/2019;
Accepted on: 01/25/2019;
Abstract. The author highlights the problem of interaction between civil society and the state. The influence of these elements on each other is considered. The author identifies the political party as a special subject in the life of civil society in Russia, as it is the political party that is the most real way of civil society influence on the state.
Keywords: political party, civil society, state, instrument of influence, power

For citation: Golovach, A. A. The importance of a political party for civil society in the Russian Federation. StudArctic forum. 2018, 3 (11): 4.


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