No 2 (10): 2.

Education and teaching science


Scientific article


Ekaterina S. Koigerova
student, Petrozavodsk state University
(Petrozavodsk, Lenin Avenue, d 33),

Integration of the Museum " history of tourism of the Republic of Karelia"» into educational process.

Scientific adviser:
Tamara Michailovna Glushanok
doctor of Economics
Tamara Glushanok
Paper submitted on: 12/02/2018;
Accepted on: 12/13/2018;
Abstract. The article deals with the organization of the Museum of educational institution on the example of the "Museum of the history of tourism of Karelia". The variants of using the Museum in the educational process and career-oriented activities are revealed.
Keywords: Key words: Museum, exposition, cooperation, interactive approaches, educational process.

For citation: Koigerova, E. S. Integration of the Museum " history of tourism of the Republic of Karelia"» into educational process.. StudArctic forum. 2018, 2 (10): 2.

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