No 4 (12): 3.

Engineering and construction technology


Scientific article


Mikhail Podovinnikov
applied baccalaureate course, PetrSU
(Lenin street, 33),

The use of resource-saving technologies in the energy supply of the waste disposal facility in the Kondopoga region

Accepted on: 12/12/2018;
Abstract. This article raises the question of the possibility of building wind generators at dumps in Karelia to save natural resources and increase the independence of certain regions of the Republic from electric power services.
Keywords: wind generator, alternative power generation, landfill, resource conservation, energy efficiency

For citation: Podovinnikov, M. The use of resource-saving technologies in the energy supply of the waste disposal facility in the Kondopoga region. StudArctic forum. 2018, 4 (12): 3.

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