No 3 (11): 5.



Scientific article


Arina R. Olshevskaya
бакалавриат, Admiral Makarov state university of maritime and inland shipping

The problem of imperfection of basic international legal acts in maritime safety

Yuliya Tsvetkova
Paper submitted on: 11/15/2018;
Accepted on: 12/10/2018;
Abstract. The author analyzes international legal acts in maritime safety, reveals imperfections and omissions in some conditions of these acts. Also possible ways of solving the above-mentioned problems are suggested.
Keywords: the safety of navigation, the omissions in international legal acts, international rules, international conventions, ship collisions, search and rescue at sea, maritime satellite communications, distress alert systems, maritime safety.

For citation: Olshevskaya, A. R. The problem of imperfection of basic international legal acts in maritime safety. StudArctic forum. 2018, 3 (11): 5.


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