No 3 (11): 6.



Scientific article


Darya D. Khomlyuk
(Petrozavodsk, Lomonosova 65),

Actual problems of electronic document management in the civil process

Scientific adviser:
Gabucheva Svetlana Anatolyevna
Paper submitted on: 09/08/2018;
Accepted on: 12/12/2018;
Abstract. Today, the integration of information technologies in all spheres of human life is so great that it is impossible for the society to exist without computers, the Internet and other components of the information age. And jurisprudence is no exception. The author will highlight the problem of introducing information technologies into the civil process and suggested ideas for improving electronic workflow in Russia.
Keywords: civil process, electronic document, electronic signature, the Internet, submission of documents, statement of claim

For citation: Khomlyuk, D. D. Actual problems of electronic document management in the civil process. StudArctic forum. 2018, 3 (11): 6.


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