No 2 (10): 4.

Technosphere Safety and Environmental Engineering


Scientific article


Ksenia A. Lebedeva
academic undergraduate degree, IFMECES,Petrozavodsk State UniversityPetrozavodsk, Russia
(29, Lenin Avenue),
Konstantin A. Grafov
academic undergraduate degree, Municipal budget educational institution of Petrozavodsk city district "Derzhavinsky Lyceum"
(Republic of Karelia, Petrozavodsk, Chernyshevsky street, house 14a),

Morphological composition of solid communal waste in Petrozavodsk

Scientific adviser:
Grafova Elena Olegovna
candidate of technical Sciences
associate Professor
Paper submitted on: 07/12/2018;
Accepted on: 12/12/2018;
Abstract. In the process of human life a rather large amount of waste is formed. The composition of these waste is quite diverse: the remains of products, objects used in everyday life and lost their consumer properties, etc.
Waste generated in the process of human life is called solid municipal waste. This type of waste is quite specific, and is characterized by very diverse components with a complex chemical composition. In this regard, it is necessary to determine the morphological composition of waste from the population, which predetermines the features of collection, sorting, the scheme of preparation and processing of waste.
Determination of the morphological composition of solid municipal waste is an important task. Qualitatively lost work to determine the volume and composition of waste provides effective planning and management in the territory of the Republic of Karelia.
Keywords: waste morphology, separate collection, sorting, classification of waste, solid municipal waste, secondary raw materials

For citation: Lebedeva, K. A., Grafov, K. A. Morphological composition of solid communal waste in Petrozavodsk. StudArctic forum. 2018, 2 (10): 4.


1. About the statement of the order of collecting solid municipal waste (including their separate collecting) in the territory of the Republic of Karelia: Delivery of the government of RK of 06.09.2017 No. 306-P : approved by the Government of the Republic of Karelia of September 6, 2017 // techexpert [Electronic resource] : prof. System / AO "Code".–Electron.Dan.–[Moscow],COP.2015.–URL:http://docs.cntd.EN/document/465414513. – (9.06.2018);

2. The territorial scheme of waste management, including solid municipal waste of the Republic of Karelia, approved by the Government of the Republic of Karelia on December 29, 2016 № 471-P.;

3. Municipal ecology. Encyclopaedic reference book /A. N. Peaceful [and others]. - M.: Prima-Press-M, 2007. - 808 p.

4. Petrozavodsk // Wikipedia. [Electron.resource.] Electron.dan. URL:Петрозаводск (25.06.2018)

5. Maps of Petrozavodsk with streets and houses // Yandex. maps. [Electron.resource.] Electron. dan.


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