No 4 (12): 5.

Engineering and construction technology


Scientific article


Anna Martynova
(Lenin av. 29, 185910 Petrozavodsk, Republic of Karelia, RUSSIA),

Technical and economic comparison of water supply systems in an office building

Scientific adviser:
Maria I/gorevna Zaitseva
Accepted on: 01/17/2019;
Abstract. The article compares the methods of installation of pipes of external and internal water supply systems from different materials, according to economic and technological indicators. The most popular materials were chosen as the object of research: polyethylene and steel for external water supply, polypropylene and steel for internal water supply. The development of technological maps for the installation of external and internal water supply systems. The calculation of local estimates and the result is a comparison of options for external and internal water supply systems.
Keywords: external water supply, internal water supply, polyethylene, polypropylene, steel

For citation: Martynova, A. Technical and economic comparison of water supply systems in an office building. StudArctic forum. 2018, 4 (12): 5.

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