No 1 (9): 5.



Scientific article

UDK 342


Vadim S. Karpovskiy
master student, Petrozavods state university
(Lomonosova 65, Petrozavodsk),

Anti-corruption expertise of legal acts in the Russian Federation : theory and practice

Scientific adviser:
Golenok Svetlana Gennadievna
Sergey Chernov
Paper submitted on: 06/06/2018;
Accepted on: 06/21/2018;
Abstract. This article is devoted to one of the institutions of prevention of corruption - anti-corruption expertise of legal acts.
Keywords: anti-corruption expertise, anti-corruption political, corruption factors, subjects of anti-corruption expertise

For citation: Karpovskiy, V. S. Anti-corruption expertise of legal acts in the Russian Federation : theory and practice. StudArctic forum. 2018, 1 (9): 5.

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