No 2 (10): 1.

Clinical Medicine


Scientific article


Sofia A. Zakharova
Student, Petrozavodsk State University
(Medical Institute),

Gestational diabetes

Scientific adviser:
c.m.s. Ivanova Natalia Alexandrovna associate professor at the department of оbstetrics and gynecology
dermatovenereology Petrozavodsk State University
natalia ivanova
Paper submitted on: 06/02/2018;
Accepted on: 07/13/2018;
Abstract. This article presents features and complications of gestational diabetes, which a woman and her baby may have during the term of pregnancy, that is based on retrospective analysis of 127 labor histories according to the data of K. Gutkin maternity hospital in 2017. The research, that was made with retrospective analysis, includes age, anthropometric data collection, obstetric-gynecological history, somatic diseases in examined woman and estimated the genetics of gertational diabetes. Aslo were analysed the terms of pregnancy, childbirth and early neonatal period.
Keywords: gestational diabetes, obesity, complications, fetal macrosomia.

For citation: Zakharova, S. A. Gestational diabetes. StudArctic forum. 2018, 2 (10): 1.


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