No 1 (9): 10.

Engineering and construction technology


Scientific article


Alexander D. Kiselev
St. Petersburg Polytechnic University of Peter the Great
(Polytechnic street, 29),
Vladislav A. Padokhin
St. Petersburg Polytechnic University of Peter the Great
(Polytechnic street, 29),
Eugene S. Vasyutkin
LLC «Сomposite-Group»
(143900, Balashikha, sh. Entuziastov, 44a),

The urgency of forming the base of composite materials and systems for road construction

Scientific adviser:
Vasyutkin Eugene Sergeevich
Paper submitted on: 05/19/2018;
Accepted on: 08/25/2018;
Abstract. Currently, people in road and bridge construction are increasingly thinking about the use of products made of composite materials, such as: composite fittings, drainage trays, perimeter fences, lampposts and more. With all the variety and number of composite products in regulatory documents related to the construction of roads and bridges, there is no references to state standards, branch road methodical document, organization standards and technical conditions for this material, the calculated values of permissible deviations and standards that determine the methods of monitoring the calculated indicators. As a result, there was a need to create a base of composite materials for road and bridge construction, related to regulatory documents.
Keywords: database; composite materials; construction; regulations; bridges; armature; drainage chutes

For citation: Kiselev, A. D., Padokhin, V. A., Vasyutkin, E. S. The urgency of forming the base of composite materials and systems for road construction. StudArctic forum. 2018, 1 (9): 10.


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7. Certificate of conformity № C-RU.ПБ05.В.03460

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9. ODM 218.2.057-2015 "Recommendations on the use of drainage trays made of polymer composite materials on bridge structures", 2015.

10. Certificate of conformity № РОСС RU.ПЩ01.Н05038

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