No 4 (8): 16.



Scientific article

UDK 342.9


Evgeniy B. Neplyuev
Master’s degree course, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Petrozavodsk State University”
(185910, the Republic of Karelia, Petrozavodsk, pr. Lenina, 33),

Constitutional legal basis for regulating administrative procedures

Scientific adviser:
Chernov Sergey Nikolaevich
Natalia Rasheva
Paper submitted on: 03/07/2018;
Accepted on: 03/14/2018;
Abstract. The purpose of the author's research work was to study a constitutional legal basis for regulating administrative procedures. Administrative procedures are an integral part of modern life: through their implementation a number of functions are carried out in the sphere of state administration, there is an interaction of citizens and economic entities with bodies having authoritative powers. Administrative procedural activities include a number of problems related to the quality of a legal regulation, the low efficiency of administrative procedures, the presence of a number of administrative barriers. Actions aimed at solving mentioned problems should be comprehensive. It is necessary to issue the uniform law about administrative procedures, to take measures aimed at their standardization and optimization. Basic principles of the implementation of administrative procedures are to be consolidated in this law that will ensure the direct operation of the relevant constitutional provisions, will establish a mechanism for their implementation. These measures will lead to the solution of problems which are connected both with theoretical and practical base.
Keywords: Constitution, administrative procedures, administrative regulations, administrative law, administrative process, state administration.

For citation: Neplyuev, E. B. Constitutional legal basis for regulating administrative procedures. StudArctic forum. 2017, 4 (8): 16.


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