No 1 (9): 2.



Scientific article


Nikita I. Arteev
baccalaureate, PetrSU
(Petroskoi, Lomonosova, 65),
Dmitry P. Slyasskiy
baccalaureate, PetrSU
(Petroskoi, Lomonosova, 65),

Comparison of the ombudsman institution in the US and Russia

Svetlana Golenok
Paper submitted on: 05/14/2018;
Accepted on: 05/24/2018;
Abstract. This article attempts to compare the legal status of the ombudsman (human rights ombudsman) in the US and Russia
Keywords: Ombudsman, Human Rights Ombudsman, Comparative legal analysis, USA, Russia Federation

For citation: Arteev, N. I., Slyasskiy, D. P. Comparison of the ombudsman institution in the US and Russia. StudArctic forum. 2018, 1 (9): 2.


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