No 4 (8): 6.

Political Science and Regional Studies


Scientific article


Liudmila Lagutina
Petrozavodsk State University
(26 Vatutina street 30, 185006 Petrozavodsk, Russia),

EU Arctic policy: why does the European Union look towards the Arctic?

Scientific adviser:
Yarovoy Gleb Olegovich
Paper submitted on: 12/27/2017;
Accepted on: 01/15/2018;
Abstract. The European Union is not an arctic actor and does not have any territorial jurisdiction in the Arctic Ocean. However, the Arctic region is becoming more important in the European political agenda. The article contains the comprehensive research of the EU Arctic policy based on the analysis of its evolution, as well as on studies of the EU role in the Northern Dimension policy, the BEAR, the Arctic Council and Kolarctic CBC programme. The analysis of the EU Arctic policy instruments and goals allows to understand the motivation which drives the Union to the Arctic dimension, and also reveals European priorities in the region.
Keywords: Arctic, the EU Arctic policy, Barents Euro-Arctic Region, BEAR, Arctic Council, Northern Dimension, Kolarctic CBC.

For citation: Lagutina, L. EU Arctic policy: why does the European Union look towards the Arctic?. StudArctic forum. 2017, 4 (8): 6.


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