No 3 (7): 17.

Political Science and Regional Studies


Scientific article

UDK 327.3


Alexandra Smirnova
postgradute student, PetrSU
(Lenin av. 33, 185910 Petrozavodsk, Republic of Karelia, RUSSIA),

Issues of peace and conflict resolution in the education system and youth work in Finland

Paper submitted on: 12/13/2017;
Accepted on: 12/13/2017;
Abstract. Issues of conflict resolution, peacebuilding and improving social conditions haven’t currently lost their relevance. This is why the manifestation of these aspects in education and youth work is of academic interest. This article analyses the peculiarities of peace education and children and youth conflict resolution training in Finland on the basis of official documents, scientific and information sources. Special emphasis is placed on definitions of contemporary peace education, transformations of its role in character education in the Finnish context, as well as on youth programs on constructive interaction and conflict resolution. The following special features of the Finnish approach are underlined: connection of peace education to global and human rights education; increased focus not only on interpersonal and intergroup relations, but also on resolution of international issues; association of conflict resolution skills with social capital, civil society development and the international brand of Finland; the active role of NGOs in the promotion of peace education. Qualities, shaped within peace education are relevant in the context of the information age.
Keywords: Finland; peace education; education for peace; school medication; conflict resolution; youth; Ahtisaari Days

For citation: Smirnova, A. Issues of peace and conflict resolution in the education system and youth work in Finland. StudArctic forum. 2017, 3 (7): 17.


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