No 4 (8): 2.

Education and teaching science


Scientific article


Anna Nikolaeva
University of Oslo
(Sem Sælands vei 7, Oslo, Norway, 0315),

Managing a post-merger university: a case study of UiT The Arctic University of Norway

Marina Gvozdeva
Paper submitted on: 12/13/2017;
Accepted on: 12/22/2017;
Abstract. The article deals with the nature of intra-institutional governance, organization and administrative support structures of UiT The Arctic University of Norway as a result of the three-step merger of five higher educational institutions of various types (universities and university colleges) and locations (6 campuses). The case of the UiT The Arctic University of Norway demonstrates how the new organizational structure reflects the strategic goals of all the institutions merged and accounts for the conditions affecting the outcomes of the merger in the higher education.
Keywords: governance, administration, organizational structure, identity

For citation: Nikolaeva, A. Managing a post-merger university: a case study of UiT The Arctic University of Norway. StudArctic forum. 2017, 4 (8): 2.


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