No 3 (7): 32.

Economics and management


Scientific article

UDK 336.14


Ekaterina K. Kozlova
PetrSU, Institute of Economics and Law, 4
(Republic Karelia, Petrozavodsk, Lomonosova st. 65),

Analysis of the program budget 2015-2017 and 2018 budget plan

Scientific adviser:
Kadnikova Tatiana Gennadievna
Paper submitted on: 12/08/2017;
Accepted on: 12/21/2017;
Abstract. The object of the research is state programs in the Republic of Karelia. Their dynamics and structure for 2015-2017 are analyzed. In the article the "program" budget 2017 is compared with the plan budget 2018 and the main priorities of the Government for 2018 are determined.
Keywords: finance; budget; program; budget allocations; the state program

For citation: Kozlova, E. K. Analysis of the program budget 2015-2017 and 2018 budget plan. StudArctic forum. 2017, 3 (7): 32.


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