No 4 (8): 5.

Political Science and Regional Studies


Scientific article


Alisa A. Kruglova
(Lenina, 33),

Identity as a category of political science

Scientific adviser:
Svetlana Rozhneva
Paper submitted on: 12/01/2017;
Accepted on: 01/30/2018;
Abstract. The article considers the history of the formation of identity theories and in particular the use of the category of identity within the framework of political science, the possibility of artificial construction of the political identity of citizens. As a result, the main types of political identity were identified, the structure of identity and factors affecting its formation were examined.
Keywords: identity, individual, space category, national identity, identity politics, political identity, regional identity

For citation: Kruglova, A. A. Identity as a category of political science. StudArctic forum. 2017, 4 (8): 5.


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