No 1 (1): 40–43.

Biological Sciences


Scientific article


Julia A. Lumbina

Potatoes as an object of the pupil’s research work

Paper submitted on: 06/06/2016;
Accepted on: 06/10/2016;
Abstract. One of the relevant issues among teachers in the Russian Federation is being able to involve pupils into the research work. Teacher of biology can organize it in a school area in spring and summer time. According to the character of the plants growing in the Republic of Karelia, potatoes are considered the most promising objective of our studies. Potatoes take quite an extensive territory and, as a matter of fact, can be found in every country-house but unfortunately, not everyone can reap a good harvest. In order to get the best results, you have to possess a certain set of knowledge and skills while conducting your individual research.
Keywords: potatoes, agriculture, field experiment, variant, observation, laboratory and experimental work

For citation: Lumbina, J. A. Potatoes as an object of the pupil’s research work. StudArctic forum. 2016, 1 (1): 40–43.


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