No 3 (7): 30.

Economics and management


Scientific article

UDK 331.5.024.5


Anna V. Simakova
Budget monitoring center of PetrSU
(185910 Lenina av. 31 Petrozavodsk Karelia RUSSIA),
Irina S. Stepus
Budget monitoring center of PetrSU
(185910 Lenina av. 31 Petrozavodsk Karelia RUSSIA),

Recruitment needs for the Russian Arctic zone development

Scientific adviser:
Shabaeva Svetlana Vladimirovna
Paper submitted on: 11/20/2017;
Accepted on: 12/04/2017;
Abstract. There are more than 1 million people working in the Russian Arctic zone. Most Russian Arctic territories’ regional economy is experiencing acute shortage in qualified staff. More than 60% of vacancies declared by employers to the Employment Service’ are dealing with qualified workers and specialists of middle qualification. According to survey results performed by leading employers in the Russian Arctic, there was compiled a list of the TOP-25 occupations - such as drill rig operator, oil and gas operator production, mechanic-repairers, laboratory assistant of chemical analysis.
A distinctive feature of the Arctic region economy is the high prevalence of shift migration as one of the circular types of labour migration. Up to 15-20 % of people work as shift migrants for the leading enterprises in the Russian Arctic zone. Shift migration is the most widespread in the oil and gas sector of the economy.
Nowadays, the key approach to the Russian Arctic zone development is the development of "back up zones" based on already established urban agglomerations. In this context, the territory of the Euro-Arctic macro-region of Russia is unique and has great potential since 92% of the population lives in these cities. For Kola, Arkhangelsk, Vorkuta, Nenets "back up zones" development priorities are defined in accordance with the industry specifics and type of innovative economic development (mainland or island).
Keywords: labor market, occupations in demand, occupational barometer, forecasting

For citation: Simakova, A. V., Stepus, I. S. Recruitment needs for the Russian Arctic zone development. StudArctic forum. 2017, 3 (7): 30.



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