No 3 (7): 15.

Clinical Medicine


Scientific article

UDK 591.112.2


Elena I. Pavlyuk
PetrSU, Medical Institute
(Petrozavodsk town, Krasnoarmeyskaya street 31A, 209 room),

Electrocardiographic markers for the Risk of Sudden Cardiac Death

Paper submitted on: 11/05/2017;
Accepted on: 11/09/2017;
Abstract. An ECG analysis of the markers of the risk of sudden cardiac death (SCD) in patients with coronary heart disease (CHD) and without. SCD markers were analyzed: the width and depth of the Q wave, QRS width, intraventricular blockade, left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH), internal rejection period, QT duration, negative T, T (peak) -T (end), ST changes, etc. The most commonly reported cases of IHD include pathological Q, early repolarization syndrome, LVH.
Keywords: sudden cardiac death, ECG markers, ischemic heart disease.

For citation: Pavlyuk, E. I. Electrocardiographic markers for the Risk of Sudden Cardiac Death. StudArctic forum. 2017, 3 (7): 15.


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