No 2 (6): 11.

Economics and management


Scientific article

UDK 338.242


Tatiana S. Dmitrieva
Petrozavodsk State University
(17, Pushkinskaya str),

Development of the promotion program for accommodation services in the social network "vKontakte" on the example of the guest house "House on the Onega Lake"

Paper submitted on: 06/29/2017;
Accepted on: 07/03/2017;
Abstract. Modern information technology as one of the most accessible promotion tools for small hotel business seems to be an effective advertising tool. Promotion in social networks allows to attract new customers, increase customer loyalty to the service, obtain feedback to improve the quality of services provided.
Keywords: information technology; social network, hotel business.

For citation: Dmitrieva, T. S. Development of the promotion program for accommodation services in the social network "vKontakte" on the example of the guest house "House on the Onega Lake". StudArctic forum. 2017, 2 (6): 11.


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