No 4 (4): 8–13.

Engineering and construction technology


Scientific article


Tatiana A. Bekreneva

Techno-economic comparison of variants of construction of enclosing wall constructions of multi-apartment residential buildings

Aleksandr A. Kuzmenkov
Paper submitted on: 05/29/2016;
Accepted on: 12/12/2016;
Abstract. At the present stage of development of society and due to various types of financial crises is very important is the problem of reducing the cost and timing of construction of various objects. The desire to save is the natural way of development of any construction process, as it becomes affordable to the General mass of people, which leads to increased demand for construction. Structural engineers implementing their projects in process of construction of buildings. But do not forget that savings and reduction in construction time is not only technology change, but also to use other building materials, or combinations thereof.
Keywords: frame construction; technical and economic comparison; walling; wall panels; concrete blocks.

For citation: Bekreneva, T. A. Techno-economic comparison of variants of construction of enclosing wall constructions of multi-apartment residential buildings. StudArctic forum. 2016, 4 (4): 8–13.


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