No 2 (6): 10.

Economics and management


Scientific article


Vladislav K. Avdey
Peter the Great St.Peterburg Polytechnic University
(191024 St.Peterburg St.2 Sovetskaya 25a 26),
Oleg Y. Kosolapov
Peter the Great St.Peterburg Polytechnic University
(194100 St.Peterburg St.Kantemirovskaya 24.),
Kirill I. Lapin
Peter the Great St.Peterburg Polytechnic University
(198303, St.Peterburg, St.Morskoy pehoty),


Elena G. Emeljanova
Paper submitted on: 05/15/2017;
Accepted on: 09/27/2017;
Abstract. In this article problems of project management in the sphere of housing construction in the conditions of an economic crisis are considered. Crisis has significant effect, first of all, on management of project cost. Budgets of projects are compressed, their interference increases, the system of risks changes. Obviously, in these conditions it is necessary to develop the special approaches providing optimization of expenses and guaranteeing implementation of the project within the voted budget. In article on the basis of the analysis of domestic and foreign experience in quality of a way of improvement of management of project cost use of BIM technologies is considered.
Keywords: economic crisis in construction, management of cost, optimization of the project of construction production, budget, BIM technologies.

For citation: Avdey, V. K., Kosolapov, O. Y., Lapin, K. I. MANAGEMENT OF PROJECT COST IN THE CONDITIONS OF THE ECONOMIC CRISIS. StudArctic forum. 2017, 2 (6): 10.


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