No 2 (6): 8.

Engineering and construction technology


Scientific article


Maria A. Zolotyh
Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg Polytechnic University
(Russia, 195251, St.Petersburg, Polytechnicheskaya, 29),

Renovation of industrial zones in the modern conditions of the city.

Paper submitted on: 05/09/2017;
Accepted on: 09/13/2017;
Abstract. The article considers the issue of the urgency of renovation of industrial zones for many large cities of the Russian Federation and European countries. Several directions, methods and methods of adapting the industrial heritage to the modern context of the city are considered.
The article refers to the renovation of some industrial zones in St. Petersburg. With the development of the city there was a need for changes in its urban planning. The most important in the modern development plan of the city is the problem of industrial zones, which are located in the historical center of the city and are of interest both for the city itself and for investors. Depressive industrial zones in which renovation takes place will receive a second chance: housing, commercial premises, and infrastructure are being built there. However, renovation requires complicated and lengthy legal preparation of the project, demolition of old buildings, transfer of engineering networks, land reclamation. The article also gives examples of industrial zones, adapted to modern urban conditions in other countries, for example, in Germany. The problem of the problems arising in the development of industrial zones is considered.
Keywords: renovation, industrial zones, soil reclamation, renovation of industrial facilities, architecture, the General Plan, adaptation of industrial zones

For citation: Zolotyh, M. A. Renovation of industrial zones in the modern conditions of the city.. StudArctic forum. 2017, 2 (6): 8.


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