No 1 (5): 20–31.

Health sciences and preventive medicine


Scientific article


Yana D. Filippova
Petrozavodsk state University
(Petrozavodsk, Anokhina 37B - 44),

Overview of diagnostic methods of fetal hypoxia

Aleksandr A. Ivshin
Paper submitted on: 05/04/2017;
Accepted on: 05/18/2017;
Abstract. This article is a review of the literature on diagnostic methods of fetal hypoxia. It reflects the advantages and disadvantages of modern methods of diagnostics of fetal hypoxia, studies of domestic and foreign authors on the subject. The application of modern diagnostic methods will reduce the number of unjustified surgical delivery, and improve perinatal outcomes.
Keywords: fetal hypoxia; cardiotocography; fetal electrocardiography; STAN; Monica; doppler; lactate; pH-meters; troponin; natriuretic peptide.

For citation: Filippova, Y. D. Overview of diagnostic methods of fetal hypoxia. StudArctic forum. 2017, 1 (5): 20–31.


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