No 3 (7): 28.

Economics and management


Scientific article

UDK 338.242:330.322.214


Veronika A. Denisenko
Student of St. Petersburg Polytechnic University Peter the Great
(St. Petersburg, Polotskaja 3 91),
Marina A. Loginova
Student of St. Petersburg Polytechnic University Peter the Great
(St. Petersburg, Captain 4, kV 520),
Valeria E. Krasilnikova
Student of St. Petersburg Polytechnic University Peter the Great
(St. Petersburg, Grazhdansky prospect 124 to 1 square 331),

Volumes of functions of the participants in the investment and construction project

Paper submitted on: 05/01/2017;
Accepted on: 10/26/2017;
Abstract. The problem of realization of the investment project is relevant for today. This is due to the fact that investors bear a great risk due to lack of both legal and technical information for a specific cost estimate for implementation of the project. Usually this information is growing with time, during the development of the project. And often the investor comes to the conclusion that such a project is economically inefficient or technically impossible at that time, when it was used high material costs and hired an expensive team of experts. In order to minimize the loss of the algorithm development of the investment project and the right decisions for its implementation.
Keywords: Investment and construction project preparatory work, the signing of investcontract, initial permissive documentation, the act of permitted use, the tender for the General contractor, the preparation and tendering, design provision of construction, the fact of putting the object into operation, the achievement of the investment objectives, inefficient project.

For citation: Denisenko, V. A., Loginova, M. A., Krasilnikova, V. E. Volumes of functions of the participants in the investment and construction project. StudArctic forum. 2017, 3 (7): 28.


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