No 1 (5): 55–64.

Engineering and construction technology


Scientific article

UDK 69.003.12


Kseniia G. Nagmanova
Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University
(St. Petersburg, Polytechnicheskaya, 29),

Algorithm for the development of cost accounts for civil engineering objects, taking into account the peculiarities of price transition from basic to current

Paper submitted on: 04/22/2017;
Accepted on: 05/18/2017;
Abstract. Any construction is accompanied by huge expenses, therefore their competent calculation is necessary for any construction project. Nowadays estimates are an important financial document. The article presents an algorithm for the development of estimates for civil engineering objects, which includes the basic concepts with explanations, as well as examples of calculating of the estimated cost, taking into account the transition from basic prices to current ones. The work is aimed at obtaining basic information on the development of estimates for the example of excavation. As a result, a basic algorithm for estimates of civil engineering objects was developed.
Keywords: cost account; price formation; civil engineering; budgeting; spendings; algorithm.

For citation: Nagmanova, K. G. Algorithm for the development of cost accounts for civil engineering objects, taking into account the peculiarities of price transition from basic to current. StudArctic forum. 2017, 1 (5): 55–64.


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