No 1 (1): 21–25.

Agriculture, forestry and fisheries


Scientific article

UDK 676.051.345.3


Phuc Sue Nguyen
Saint-Petersburg state forest technical University named after S. M. Kirov
(Saint Petersburg, Russia),

Machinery for the extraction of wood from energy plantations

Paper submitted on: 05/24/2016;
Accepted on: 05/24/2016;
Abstract. Renewable energy currently pays great attention worldwide, both from the point of view of energy and from the point of view of environmental conservation. Each country has its own specific renewable energy resources. In existing forests receive a considerable amount of dendromass, which is also used for energy purposes, however, for dendromass in a forest you have to spend dozens of years. For a relatively short period of time it is possible to obtain a large number of dendromass by growing energy plantations short-rotation logging. The cultivation of energy plantations applies to such agricultural direction, which had been receiving significant amounts of dendromass for a short time on the areas previously used for agricultural purposes. Thus not only receive dendromass, but also rationally use land.
Keywords: forest plantation, energy plantation, fuel wood chips, biofuel

For citation: Nguyen, P. Machinery for the extraction of wood from energy plantations. StudArctic forum. 2016, 1 (1): 21–25.

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