No 1 (1): 17–20.

Agriculture, forestry and fisheries


Scientific article

UDK 519:614.842


Sergey V. Haag
Saint-Petersburg state forest technical University named after S. M. Kirov
(Saint Petersburg, Russia),

Promising areas of research in the field of increase of efficiency of creation of fire lines and extinguishing forest fires with the help of grundomat

Timmo A. Gavrilov
Accepted on: 05/24/2016;
Abstract. Forest fires are a very significant problem for the Russian Federation and many other countries. In the event of fire acute question about their quick localization. For this you need to attract a large number of people, usually in forest areas no. Therefore there is a need for mechanization of means of fighting fire.
Keywords: forest fires, filling the fire with soil

For citation: Haag, S. V. Promising areas of research in the field of increase of efficiency of creation of fire lines and extinguishing forest fires with the help of grundomat. StudArctic forum. 2016, 1 (1): 17–20.

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