No 2 (6): 9.

Engineering and construction technology


Scientific article


Anastasiia Fidrikova
Peter the Great Polytechnic University
(Politechnicheskaya, 29),
Anna V. Nefedova
Peter the Great Polytechnic University
(Politechnicheskaya, 29),
Viktoria G. Sevka
Peter the Great Polytechnic University
(Politechnicheskaya, 29),

Financial aspects of the equity construction on the market of primary residential estate

Paper submitted on: 04/18/2017;
Accepted on: 09/13/2017;
Abstract. In this article we consider the financial and investment issues of equity construction. Legal aspects of the implementation of the equity construction were studied, the principles of organization and factors were identified. The factors determine the necessity for this form of construction financing. The dependence of requirements of the housing from the dynamics and population were set. Schemes of financing of equity construction on the basis of existing legislation and taking into account its optimization were developed.
Keywords: Equity construction, finance, housing market, investments.

For citation: Fidrikova, A. , Nefedova, A. V., Sevka, V. G. Financial aspects of the equity construction on the market of primary residential estate. StudArctic forum. 2017, 2 (6): 9.


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