No 2 (14): 0.

Engineering and construction technology


Scientific article


Artem A. Malyshev
Bachelor, PetrSU

Methods of reconstruction of the bridge on the example of a bridge on the river Yanis

Scientific adviser:
Eflov Vladimir Borisovich
Accepted on: 07/04/2019;
Abstract. This article presents an analysis of the survey of the bridge over the Yanis River with the Republic of Karelia. Also presented repair work. The main faults and destruction of bridges during operation in the north-west of the Russian Federation are revealed.
Keywords: overhaul, bridge, survey.

For citation: Malyshev, A. A. Methods of reconstruction of the bridge on the example of a bridge on the river Yanis. StudArctic forum. 2019, 2 (14): 0.


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