For Authors

Dear authors!

The manuscripts submitted by you must correspond to the scientific directions of the journal (see their list here).

Previously published materials, as well as materials submitted for publication in other journals, are not accepted for consideration. After acceptance of the manuscript for publication, it cannot be published in any other journal in the same or similar form without the written consent of the Editor-in-Chief of the journal "Studarctic Forum" or his deputy.

There is no fee for the publication of manuscripts.

The text of the article is typed in a Microsoft Word text editor. A4 paper size. Margins: 2.0 cm on all sides. Font "Times New Roman", 12 size, line spacing 1.0. The volume of the manuscript is at least 10000 characters.

The article should be written concisely, neatly framed and carefully edited. All articles are checked for originality using the Anti-Plagiarism.UNIVERSITY system. The originality of the manuscript should be at least 70%.

The manuscript is provided in electronic form by filling out the form. To do this, you should register.

Acceptance of the manuscript to the editorial office is possible only if there is a review of the supervisor!

Design of the first page of the article

The following information is indicated on the first page of the article (12-point, single interval):

a) UDC code (Universal decimal classification) - top left. You can determine the UDC of the article, for example, here.

b) Heading (selected scientific direction of the journal) - in the middle bold;

c) Information about the author: full name; affiliation; e-mail address of the author. When co-authoring, the data of all authors are entered, but one is indicated for correspondence with the editorial board.

Example of affiliation registration: Petrozavodsk State University (Petrozavodsk, Russian Federation).

d) Information about the scientific supervisor of the author: full name, academic degree and title (if any).

Example: Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

e) The title of the article should be short, accurate and without any abbreviations and abbreviations. It is recommended to include 10 to 12 words in the title of the article.

f) The abstract is drawn up in accordance with GOST R 7.0.99-2018 and is a brief description of the primary document in terms of its purpose, content, type, form and other features.

The abstract is a text independent of the article, informing the reader about its content. It contains the relevance of the research topic, the formulation of the problem, the goals and methods of research, the results and the main conclusions. The abstract should not include terms introduced for the first time, abbreviations (with the exception of well-known ones), references to literature, abbreviations, footnotes. For articles reporting on original research, it should contain the following description: the main purpose and hypothesis of the study, the studied material, methods and procedures of the study, the main results, results and conclusions, as well as an indication of the significance of these conclusions for subsequent research or practical application.

The recommended volume of the abstract is 600 printed characters.

g) Keywords - from 5 to 10 words or phrases in the nominative case, reflecting the content of the article. The list of keywords should be informative. Remember that all bibliographic databases can be searched by keywords. When selecting keywords, it is recommended to use commonly used terms together with special ones, avoid too broad and ambiguous concepts, and do not use abbreviations.

Keywords are separated by commas. There is no dot at the end of the list of keywords.

Design of the main text of the article

It is recommended to include the following elements in the text:

a) introduction: a description of the problem is given, a review of the literature, as well as a statement of the purpose and objectives of the study.

b) materials and methods: contains a detailed description of the methods used.

c) results: the obtained experimental or theoretical data related to the task are presented.

d) discussion and conclusion: the results obtained are analyzed and compared with the results of other authors.

The design of links is recommended to be done according to GOST R 7.0.5-2008. The journal uses the Vancouver citation format, which implies a reference to the source in square brackets and subsequent mention of sources in the list of references arranged alphabetically.

References are given in the text of the article in square brackets, separated by commas: author's surname, cited page: [Ivanov : 55].

If there are several works by the same author in the list of references, his surname, year of publication, cited page is indicated: [Ivanov, 2012 : 55].

If the cited source (scientific publication) does not have an author, then its name is indicated.

It is recommended to explain the material of the article with the help of graphic material: drawings (photographs, diagrams, graphs) and tables. It is recommended to prepare graphic material in color. Drawings should be numbered and have names, as well as explanatory inscriptions. Tables should be inserted into the main text with their serial number and name. All table columns must have headers. The names are made out in a separate paragraph of the main text and are placed in the main text before the table or appendix and after the figure.

The references is drawn up according to GOST R 7.0.100-2018. The literature cited in the article (author, title, place, publisher, year of publication and pages) is given in alphabetical order, first domestic, then foreign authors. Numbering is not included in the list of references.

Example: Syunev, V. S., Katarov, V. K. The impact of logging processes on the forest environment of the North-Western region of the Russian Federation [Text] / V. S. Syunev, V. K. Katarov // Proceedings of the Forest engineering Faculty of PetrSU. - 2008. -No.7. - pp. 120-121.

After the list of references should be indicated in English:

a) full name of the author(s) in sequence: full name and surname (e.g. Ivan Ivanov), affiliation (official English-language name of the institution and its address). You should also write the email address of the author(s).

b) The title of the article

c) Abstract

d) Keywords

e) References