No 1 (13): 3.

Computer and Information Sciences


Scientific article


Grigorij E. Rego
Petrozavodsk State University
(Lenin street 31),

Face Recognition in low-quality images

Scientific adviser:
Rogov Aleksandr
Paper submitted on: 06/08/2019;
Accepted on: 06/21/2019;
Abstract. The paper describes a study on the problem of face recognition in images with low quality of shooting. Existing classifiers with a high degree of probability recognize faces on images with high quality of shooting, but are ineffective when applied to images with low quality of shooting. The creation of a classifier that is configured to recognize faces on images with low shooting quality, as well as a classifier that is configured to recognize an image of a person’s face, is described.
Keywords: Face Recognition, Viola-Jones Algorithm, classifier training.

For citation: Rego, G. E. Face Recognition in low-quality images. StudArctic forum. 2019, 1 (13): 3.


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